When you submit any content to us that you have legal right of, whether it is your own or someone else’s that you have legal right to via copyright ownership, we can publish it on any website(s) we want to for whatever reason we want to, just so long as we give you credit for the original article, video, audio, or literary work you submitted to us for publication. We can edit it, make corrections or changes, add to it, improve upon it, rework it or fabricate it into any form of media that we see fit, including written, audio, video, webinars, teachings, trainings, greeting cards, posters, murals, content in books, magazines, and of course website content.
When you submit any content to us that you have legal right of, whether it is your own or someone else’s that you have legal right to via copyright ownership, we can use it, lend it, lease it, sell it, or collect royalties from it, and not have to share any profits or promotional considerations from doing any of these things with your submissions, unless we want to.
Let us reiterate by saying, all content that is published on this website is considered ours to use however we see fit on this or any other website(s) that we own, are partners in or with, or where we are paid providers for content to others media distribution channels. By publishing or having us publish any literary or artistic works of any kind that you have submitted, you waive all future right to having any say so in how we can use your submissions, where we use your submissions, and when we use your submissions; and, any revenues directly or indirectly that we make from from your content is ours to keep and we have no obligation to share this revenue with you since we are the ones working to turn a profit so that we can keep our website open for the world to enjoy.