Content Guidelines

Federal and/or state laws governing online content in the United States of America require website owners to provide content guidelines.  These guidelines provide clear understanding of what is and what is not permissible on our website, or in the individual communities within our website. These guidelines are meant to give visitors, users, and members the very best online community experience possible while on our website.

What We Allow

We allow our members to contribute to the content of this website. This content includes member pages and profiles, articles, editorial, and forums relevant to our community’s purpose and within the boundaries of these content guidelines.

We encourage informative discussion through commentary, editorial, and member comments, as well as active participation in forums. Our goal is to have a community where members feel free in sharing Truth, ideas and opinions.

We ask our members to practice civility when there are differing opinions or viewpoints. We also ask that our members self-police this website and help keep the quality of its community and content exceptional. To provide a clear understanding of what is and is not allowed from those who use our website, we have created a set of universal content guidelines that affect all content published on this or any affiliated website that we partner with.

Things we don’t allow:

  1. Content that the website owners/editorial staff deem as inappropriate.
  2. Content that is threatening, harassing, hate-driven, spiteful or profane in the broadest sense of the word.
  3. Content of any kind that includes hate speech, profanity, lewdness, bigotry, nudity, pornography, and anything that may reasonably be construed as such.
  4. Content that is intent on disparaging or attacking another individual, class of individuals, ethnicity, or race of people, like that of smear campaigns that are intentional attacks upon others or their political, religious, or cultural beliefs.
  5. Content – pictorial or editorial – that our editorial staff construe as spam or commercial advertising outside of the designated advertising sections of our website. If you want to advertise on this website, contact us at “Underwriters [at]
  6. Promotional content of any kind unless it is on your personal profile page.
  7. Links of any kind that are used to promote an organization or entity, whether for profit or non-profit, that includes, but is not limited to the sale of products, information, or services, or that we feel is for the express purpose of self-promotion or financial gain.  Acceptable links allowed are links to your personal self-hosted non-commercial website that you personally own and/or that of your personal social media profile.
  8. Content of any kind that promotes any immoral or illegal activities, including, but not limited to sites that promote or include any form of pornography or inappropriate adult content, child exploitation, including a gaming company’s products or services.
  9. Content that includes personally identifiable information of anyone other than yourself, such as private information like first and last names, addresses, phone numbers, Social Security numbers, account numbers, credit card information, and federal tax identification numbers.
  10. Content that is not your own where you do not have permission from the copyright holder to publish it.
  11. Content that plagiarizes another individual or that infringes on intellectual property. This includes excessively quoting copy-written material of others. In other words, be original and write your own content and use photos or artwork that are your own, or that you have the express permission of copyright holder to use.
  12. Content that is written in poorly-written English. At this time, we do not offer or allow content written in another language other than English (US or Britain), or articles or postings that are difficult for the average reader to understand because of poor English grammar, spelling, or sentence structure.
  13. Duplicate content from other websites, whether it is your own or not.
  14. Off-topic content like that of correcting the content errors of others, i.e. spelling, grammar, etc. If you have this sort of feedback, please feel free to use our Feedback Form.